Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adios! Betty

We had our box of tissues ready for this very last installment of one our favorite shows - Ugly Betty. Like they say, all good things must come to an end, and yes, Betty is in fact history!

Overall, "Hello Goodbye" did wrap up each of our beloved characters lives in a nice pretty bow, but how bummed were you that there wasn't even a kiss between Daniel and Betty!? They literally waited until the last 40 seconds to show him go to London for her!
At least we can say we were right about that!
But, C'Mon! We wanted MORE! We wanted the dramatically romantic ending where Daniel sweeps Betty off of her feet professing his love to her in front of all her new British friends and giving her a kiss that gives hope to all the ugly Betties of the world that you can get the dream guy. That would have made the show.
Although, we do have to say it was much more of a realistic ending. Especially since Betty would/could not believe that Daniel had feelings for her. It was funny to see her look at Claire with such surprise. Hello Blondie! Get with the program, right?!

We know we should have probably expected it, but we were happily surprised by Connor's return. He really loves Wilhelmina and the spoilers were right - Wilhelmina did have the best ending. She got everything she always longed for - love and being the main editor of Mode. Hopefully, with all the happiness this ending brought her, she will be a nicer boss - we doubt it, but here's to hope!
The one person we feel badly for is Ignacio. The show ended with him all alone in his house. He tells his daughters that he wants them to be happy and to live their lives, but we know that he will be quite lonely. It had to be a difficult choice Hilda made about moving. On one end you don't want to leave your father that raised and let you take shelter at his home for so long, but on the other end, it was time for Hilda to start her own family with Justin and Bobby. When you are a parent, it must be the most difficult thing to let your children spread their wings and fly away. Hopefully, Ignacio will be okay!
Both Amanda and Marc ended finding the love that they always craved - Amanda being the love of a father and Marc allowing himself to actually romantically care for someone. These two really brought tears of happiness to our eyes!
What happened with Tyler? We know he was a rather new character to the show, but he still was Claire's son - who shot Wilhelmina! There was no resolution between him and Claire. We think that was another loose end the writers decided to leave out that needed to be resolved. What do you think?
All in all we will severely miss Ugly Betty. Perhaps one day they will make a special about Betty in London or something. We hate that after all these years of waiting to see Daniel and Betty get together - all we get is a conversation about dinner!
What did you think of the series finale? Did it live up to everything you hoped it to be? Were you happy with how Daniel and Betty semi got together?
 Leave your comments below!
Don't forget to follow the jump to read our favorite Ugly Betty quotes from last night's final episode!
Wilhelmina: I never thought I'd say this, but you have big balls Betty Suarez.
Betty: That is the nicest thing you said to me. 
Wilhelmina: Go ahead and unclench everything. We are good. Well as good as we can be.
Claire: Really?
Wilhelmina: Yes really Claire.
Daniel: Me first Betty, I can't live without you.
Betty: Hey, if you want something to do, I am looking for a new assistant.
Daniel: Well, maybe I will submit my resume.
Wilhelmina: Well I guess you know me better than I know myself. Now flap those bat wings of yours and get out. 
Wilhelmina: I've spent my entire life fighting for a magazine when I should have been fighting for you. 
Justin: B, how could you move to London, won't you miss all the kidnapping, shooting, and murder at Mode?
Betty: No, not really.